Last fall Refuge began following a pretty unique story of a church startup for a feature documentary. What’s so unique about a church startup you ask? It’s a geek church…
Dedicated to serving the geek and nerd community, Geekdom House is something that Kyle Rudge (Winnipeg Christian radio host, husband, father and very openly geek) has been called to do. Along with graphic designer Allison Barron and a band of others, Geekdom House has managed to actually materialize. Worship services, a website and even a magazine in print… Refuge was there right from the start.
This week Kyle, Allison and Geekdom House are heading to Gen Con in Indianapolis. It’s huge and Kyle is not only on a panel talking about Gaming and Faith but is also participating in the Sunday morning service at the convention. Director Andrew Wall will be along for it all. Let’s hope them all a safe and exciting trip!
This is all being shot for the documentary called: The Geek Church (currently in production) which is planning for a spring 2016 completion.