Spring might be here but you wouldn’t know that from the weather in Winnipeg! Despite the evenings in the minus double digits (Celsius) we’re managing to stay warm and keep busy at R31.
Almost Unsolved: Heists, is currently in the middle of post production, while at the same time completing final recreations. Set to air in early Fall of 2024, the 14 episodes include the Great Canadian Gold Heist of 66′ in Winnipeg as well as other fascinating stories from New Zealand, England and even one story involving a Nazi diary.
In the meantime two documentaries are also underway at R31. The Devil’s Handshake, a fascinating POV documentary by Andrew Wall that explores extremist ideology, will be heading to Nuremberg, Germany for interviews in April. Additionally, Russlaender: A New Home has begun official production and will examine the Mennonite migration to Canada in the 1920’s through a contemporary lens. Following the 100 year “commemoration” through Canada and unpacking its legacy as well as some of the impacts that the migration had.
There’s always more going on at R31 with development and pre-production but that wouldn’t make for a short and concise read. So stay tuned to hear more throughout the year!