Refuge 31 is honoured to announce that not one, but three of its film projects have been selected to screen at The Christian Film Festival in Newport News, Virginia. The feature documentary Burning Ember: The Steve Bell Journey, the TV-hour documentary The Last...
The Refuge 31 crew recently travelled through England filming interviews for the documentary The Fantasy Makers. The film examines the lives of the fantasy writers J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald and the impact their works have made on our culture to this...
Refuge 31 Films is excited to be premiering Last Stop To Armageddon at the Evans Theatre in Brandon, April 9th at 2pm. The theatre is located on the Brandon University Campus. The film will be then screening in Manitoba classrooms throughout the 2017/2018 school year....
Refuge 31 is honoured to have taken home the Best Feature Documentary Award last night at the Winnipeg Real to Real Film Festival for its film The Last Objectors. Congrats to Writer/Director Andrew Wall, Director of Photography Markus Henkel, Producer Kyle Bornais,...
Refuge 31 Films has multiple television projects filming in 2017 and is looking for actors between the ages of 8 and 80 years of age, both male and female. Please send headshot (selfies – mobile pics are acceptable) and updated BIO/CV with contact information to...
Refuge 31 is thrilled to announce that both The Last Objectors and Steve Bell & Malcolm Guite – Live at the West End have been selected to screen at the Winnipeg Real to Reel Film Festival this February. Entering its 7th season, the Winnipeg Real to Reel...